Weather in Greece

Athens, GR
Partly Cloudy
06:1718:43 EEST
Feels like: 15°C
Wind: 2km/h N
Humidity: 64%
Pressure: 1015.92mbar
UV index: 0
20°C / 11°C
19°C / 11°C
18°C / 10°C
19°C / 12°C
17°C / 11°C
Paros, GR
Mostly Cloudy
06:1218:37 EEST
Feels like: 17°C
Wind: 6km/h E
Humidity: 76%
Pressure: 1016.59mbar
UV index: 1
20°C / 14°C
18°C / 13°C
17°C / 14°C
17°C / 13°C
17°C / 13°C
Rhodes, GR
Partly Cloudy
06:0018:25 EEST
Feels like: 15°C
Wind: 2km/h S
Humidity: 79%
Pressure: 1017.95mbar
UV index: 1
20°C / 16°C
18°C / 13°C
19°C / 12°C
18°C / 14°C
18°C / 15°C
Chania, GR
Partly Cloudy
06:1718:41 EEST
Feels like: 17°C
Wind: 8km/h SSW
Humidity: 68%
Pressure: 1015.24mbar
UV index: 1
24°C / 13°C
20°C / 13°C
19°C / 12°C
20°C / 12°C
19°C / 12°C
Cephalonia, GR
Mostly Cloudy
06:3018:56 EEST
Feels like: 13°C
Wind: 18km/h ESE
Humidity: 63%
Pressure: 1014.22mbar
UV index: 0
13°C / 7°C
12°C / 7°C
13°C / 8°C
13°C / 7°C
14°C / 8°C

Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year

This is the monthly total of sunhours

Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year

The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature. Show temperatures in Fahrenheit »

Average water temperature over the year

The monthly mean water temperature.

Average monthly rainy days over the year

This is the number of days each month with rain, snow, hail etc.

Average humidity over the year

This is the mean monthly relative humidity