Vouliagmeni Lake

Vouliagmeni Lake is located in the Vouliagmeni area in the sea side of Athens. Nearly 2000 years ago the ceiling of the cave that was hiding the lake collapsed and the lake was exposed to human ayes. The lake took the name Vouliagmeni (sunken) and also provided that name for the hole region.
The lake is a system of 3 caves. 2 smaller caverns and a bigger one that could be one of the biggest underwater chambers in Europe. The size of the main cave is about 2.000.000 cubic meters, its length reaches 700 meters and a very experience, well trained and equipped cave diver can swim for nearly a kilometre exploring the edges of the cave.
It has a average depth of 100 meters, 130m was the deepest it has been found, and the width of the chamber can reach 80 meters in certain areas.
The visibility can be more than 60 meters and cave divers have said that the lights of the divers can be seen from 200 meters distance.
The water temperature at the surface of the lake is 21 Celsius in the Winter and can reach 29 Celsius in the Summer. Inside the caves from 20 meters and deeper the temperature is always 26-28 Celsius. The water is brackish until 40 meters and deeper it becomes sea water.
The exploration of the caves started in early 80’s by European divers and after the 2000’s Greek divers continued the exploration. The cave still holds a lot of secrets and exploration is an ongoing process.
Mr George Vandoros, Trimix CCR Cave Instructor and Instructor Trainer is responsible for all diving in the lake and it’s caves. He has an extensive knowledge of the navigational challenges and he provides all the needed logistics for diving this ancient marvel of nature.
Divers need to be appropriately certified for Cavern, Cave or CCR cave Diving and have a Divers Medical certificate.
Training in those levels can also be provided.
Guided cave diving or training is available upon request all year round except month August…